Have you ever thought about what your instagram colors say about you? 

You may think that your Instagram is a collection of photos from all the places you’ve been, but it’s actually a way for people to assess your personality without ever having met you in person. 

Whether you’ve tried to fit in with the popular brands or not, it’s likely that the colors you choose have been unconsciously influenced by the brands around you. It’s also possible that your brand’s color scheme has been inspired by other brands. 

When you’re working with Instagram, colors are everything. You probably know that already. But did you realize that the colors you use could say a lot about who you are and what kind of things you care about? When you have a consistent look with good aesthetics, you will not only be able to stand out from your competition, but to also earn the trust of your audience.

Instagram users value good aesthetics and visuals and interact more with brands that use effective visual storytelling. Well, let me show you the science behind color psychology and how the colors of your Instagram can be a reflection of your brand personality.

For a start, first impressions matter. When you are among thousands of brands competing for eyeballs and loyalty, how can you make sure that your feed is the one that makes an impact? The last thing you want is to look like every other company out there. Many Instagram users may not be able to tell the difference, but on the  off chance that those who can are decision-makers and potential buyers, then you do want to get it right.

Using the right color can not only augment your message, but also ensure that you are curating your feed to suit your aesthetic. The brands that use the optimal color are able to achieve positive outcomes in their efforts to connect with their target audience. They can also leverage their reach to earn the trust and confidence of everyone they interact with.

The right color combinations can also ensure that you have the right theme. However, bear in mind that less is more, and the more simplistic your color palette is, the better it will be able to resonate with the target audience.

Red is easily the most dominant color in any landscape and is associated with passion, love, aggression and power. Given these qualities, the brands that choose to use this color are those who do not wish to play it safe. They are brands that are willing to stand out and be seen, and often, those that want to connect with a younger, liberal audience.

Blue is associated with peace, serenity, harmony, trust, peace and good health. Blue is appropriate for harmonious brands that want to give a relaxed and chill vibe. A darker navy-blue color is good for brands that want to show trust and safety. A lighter blue shade is popular among bloggers in the tourism sector because it gives off a tropical feel.

Yellow color connotes cheerfulness, joy, fun, vitality, energy and positivity.  Using these colors makes your brand appear friendly, approachable and fun. This makes them good for beauty, food and kids product brands.

Green colors show nature, freshness, growth, stability and wealth. The brands that use this color are eco-friendly, wellness and health. Green color is revitalizing and shows that a person can be a part of a bountiful experience. It is appropriate for brands that are in the agricultural, wealth management and production sectors.

Purple exudes ambition, mystery, prestige, luxury and creativity. They are appropriate for brands that offer exclusivity and serve the wealthy. They are ideal for high end lifestyle and fashion brands. They are also a good fit for brands that focus on female empowerment and growth.

Pink is associated with nurture, sweetness, femininity and softness. It is good for any brand that wants to connect with women and young girls to use this color. A hot pink exudes a playful vibe, so you really have to be careful with how you apply this color to your branding.

Brown is associated with the earth, being grounded and wholesome. They feel warm and thus can be used by brands in the hospitality and wellness state. They can also be appropriate for brands that want to demonstrate they are sustainable and ethical. The eco-friendly brands should use the color in their branding to demonstrate their connectedness to the earth.

As it turns out, the colors we use on our Instagram photos speak volumes about who we are. The application of color theory in your social media marketing can play a pivotal role in strengthening the emotional connection between your brand and the target audience. It also ensures you achieve brand consistency in all your content. So what’s the take-away? 

The color of your Instagram photos says a lot about who you are as a brand. Of course, this isn’t to say that there isn’t a time and place to be outside of these guidelines. But if you’re looking to connect with more people on the platform, or just present an image that is authentic to you, keep these tips in mind.